When should gallstones be removed?

Autore: Mr Christian Macutkiewicz
Editor: Conor Lynch

Up for discussion today in our of our latest medical articles is the topic of gallstones and having gallstones removed, as distinguished consultant general, HPB, and laparoscopic surgeon, Mr Christian Makutkiewicz, tells us how gallstones typically form and when they need to be removed.

What are gallstones and how do they form?

Gallstones are crystals that get bigger in your gallbladder. They are usually formed because the gallbladder concentrates the bile so much that small crystals start to form and then these crystals turn into stones later in life.


How dangerous are gallstones? Do they need to be removed immediately?

Most people with gallstones don’t have symptoms. 20 per cent of the population can have them, so they are very common. Gallstones only need to be removed if you get symptoms of pain, jaundice, or pancreatitis.


Can gallstones be left untreated without risk?

Yes. Most gallstones don’t cause any problems and sometimes we find them by accident when carrying out a routine scan for another condition.


How are gallstones removed?

Gallstones are usually removed with a keyhole operation under a general anaesthetic (laparoscopic cholecystectomy), and it involves cutting four little holes in the abdomen where the gallbladder can be removed safely and effectively.


When should gallstones be removed?

Patients should have them removed if they are experiencing regular pain, if they are getting infections or pancreatitis.


To schedule in an appointment with Mr Christian Macutkiewicz today, you can head on over to his Top Doctors profile to do just that.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Mr Christian Macutkiewicz
Chirurgia generale

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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