La malattia polmonare ostruttiva cronica (BPCO) è un termine ombrello per un gruppo di condizioni polmonari come bronchite cronica o emfisema. Tra i sintomi più comuni è la tosse cronica, il muco abbondante e le difficoltà respiratorie.
12-10-2023Malattia Polmonare Ostruttiva Cronica -EPOC
La malattia polmonare ostruttiva cronica (BPCO) è un termine ombrello per un gruppo di condizioni polmonari come bronchite cronica o emfisema. Tra i sintomi più comuni è la tosse cronica, il muco abbondante e le difficoltà respiratorie.

How COPD affects the body
Professor Indranil Chakravorty
In the first of a two-part series on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), esteemed Hitchin-based consultant pulmonologist, Professor Indranil Chakravorty explains what COPD is, what causes it, and how it affects the respiratory system as well as the rest of the body. Mostrare di più

Part 2: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): prognosis and treatment
Professor Indranil Chakravorty
In the second part of a two part series on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), esteemed consultant pulmonologist Professor Indranil Chakravorty explains the stages and prognosis of COPD. The Hitchin-based consultant also discusses treatments available to patients. Mostrare di più

Elderley patients and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Dr Pierluigi Struzzo
COPD stands for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. It occurs due to inflammation caused to the bronchi (tubes that bring the air to the alveoli and blood). Pollution, occupational hazards, cigarette smoking, all cause the cells to produce phlegm, to swell bronchial inner part and increasingly close the space for the air to come in. Mostrare di più

What is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and how can it be treated?
Dr Anjani Prasad
COPD or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease stands for a group of lung conditions that are a result of poor lung function due to airways that have narrowed. Dr Anjani Prasad spoke to us recently to let us know about the different types of COPD, how they can be diagnosed and treated. Mostrare di più
Medici esperti in Malattia Polmonare Ostruttiva Cronica -EPOC
Mr Kelvin Lau
Chirurgia toracicaEsperto in:
- Cancro al polmone
- Malattia Polmonare Ostruttiva Cronica -EPOC
- Pneumotorace
- Versamento della pleura
- Broncoscopia
- Videotoracoscopia
Dr James Ramsay
Pneumologia e Malattie RespiratorieEsperto in:
- Apnea del sonno
- Tosse cronica
- Cancro al polmone
- Asma
- Malattia Polmonare Ostruttiva Cronica -EPOC
- Bronchiectasie
Professor Indranil Chakravorty
Pneumologia e Malattie RespiratorieEsperto in:
- Asma
- Malattia Polmonare Ostruttiva Cronica -EPOC
- Disturbi del sonno
- Bronchiectasie
- Tosse ricorrente
- infezioni respiratorie
Dr Deepak Rao
Pneumologia e Malattie RespiratorieEsperto in:
- Versamento della pleura
- Cancro al polmone
- Broncoscopia
- Asma
- Malattia Polmonare Ostruttiva Cronica -EPOC
- Apnea del sonno
- Visualizzare tutti

London Bridge Hospital - part of HCA Healthcare
London Bridge Hospital - part of HCA Healthcare
27 Tooley St
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Top Doctors

The Alexandra Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
The Alexandra Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
Mill Ln, Cheadle, SK8 2PX
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Top Doctors

Cleveland Clinic Moorgate Outpatient Centre
Cleveland Clinic Moorgate Outpatient Centre
55 Moorgate, EC2R 6BH
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Top Doctors
London Bridge Hospital - part of HCA Healthcare
27 Tooley St, Central LondonEsperto in:
- 24 ore al giorno
- Cardiologia
- Chirurgia ad accesso minimo (chirurgia del buco della serratura)
- Chirurgia ortopedica
- Malattia cardiovascolare
- Gastroenterologia
The Alexandra Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
Mill Ln, Cheadle, SK8 2PX, CheadleEsperto in:
- Anca
- Cardiologia
- Spalla e gomito
- Pediatria
- Piede e caviglia
- Ginocchio
Cleveland Clinic Moorgate Outpatient Centre
55 Moorgate, EC2R 6BH, Central LondonEsperto in:
- Apparato digestivo
- Cardiologia
- Dermatologia
- Diagnostica per immagini
- Diagnostica
- Ginecologia e Ostetricia
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