Более 7589 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Dental implants: Just like natural teeth

In adulthood, factors like gum disease, trauma, cavities and poor oral hygiene can lead to the loss of our teeth. To replace these missing teeth - and in turn, restore dental health - some people may choose to consider dental implants, artificial teeth roots made of titanium with a ceramic crown on top that produce very natural results. Dr David Bloom, one of the UK’s leading restorative and cosmetic dentists, explains more.

Teeth whitening with trays: Show the world your best smile

Our teeth can get darker with age, often by stain and discolouration, but it can also happen if the dental nerve has been damaged or if genetics determine a natural yellow teeth colour. To treat this, some people may choose to have teeth whitening, a popular aesthetic dental treatment that aims to lighten teeth colour. Here, Dr Anne Gormley, leading dental practitioner and facial aesthetics clinician, provides an expert insight into professional teeth whitening with trays.

Invisalign: The invisible method for teeth alignment

Having orthodontic problems, such as dental crowding, uneven bites and gaps between the teeth, can mean it is harder to keep teeth healthy and have good oral hygiene. As a result, some people may choose to try Invisalign, a modern invisible aligner system that corrects irregularities in the teeth’s positioning. Here, Dr Anne Gormley, leading dental practitioner and clinical head, provides an expert insight into Invisalign.

Gum tissue graft surgery: correcting gum recession

A gum graft is used to restore gums that have receded, which can leave the roots of the teeth exposed. Tissue is taken from the roof of the mouth to replace the gum that has receded. In our latest article, expert dental surgeon and clinical director of The London Centre for Implant and Aesthetic Dentistry, Dr Koray Feran, share his expertise on the procedure.

Dental bone reconstruction: Building strong foundations for dental implants

What's involved in a dental bone graft, also known as a dental bone reconstruction? Those who are planning to have dental implants should be aware how you're more than likely to require to have the reconstruction procedure before the implant goes ahead. Here to provide his leading expertise on dental bone grafts is respected dental surgeon Dr Koray Feran.

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