554 Медицинские статьи на тему офтальмология Более 7440 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Редакция Top Doctors

Редакция Top Doctors

Managing coexisting epiretinal membranes and cataracts: A combined surgical approach for optimal vision restoration

Epiretinal membranes and cataracts are two common eye conditions that can significantly impact vision. When these conditions coexist, addressing them together through a combined surgical approach can provide the most effective treatment and improve visual outcomes. This article explains why these conditions often occur together, the benefits of a combined surgical approach, and the expected recovery of such procedures.

Double vision surgery: Costs, benefits, and why it’s worth it

Double vision surgery is a medical procedure designed to improve the visual symptoms caused by eye misalignment, a condition termed binocular diplopia. Mr Nadeem Ali, a distinguished Consultant specialising in Adult Squint and Double Vision Surgery, provides an expert insight into the cost of double vision surgery and highlights why its long-term benefits make it a worthwhile investment.

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