Artículos del doctor: Mr Andreas Baumann Более 6926 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Hand surgery: The last resort in a series of treatments

The general term for various surgical procedures which aim to reduce pain and restore function in the hand, wrist or forearm is hand surgery. Highly-regarded consultant hand and shoulder surgeon Mr Andreas Baumann offers an expert insight into the area. He explains exactly what hand surgery involves, the potential complications and what recovery is like following surgery, among other important points.

Handy to know: All about hand surgery

Surgery can address severe symptoms that patients can experience for various common and complex hand conditions, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, Dupuytren's contracture and ligament reconstruction. Here to provide a detailed look at what’s involved in hand operations, how effective hand surgery can be and when surgery is suitable is leading consultant hand and shoulder surgeon, Mr Andreas Baumann.

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