Artículos del doctor: Mr Farid Ud-Din Более 6926 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

The best exercises to assist in preventing a knee replacement

Preventing the need for a knee replacement often involves maintaining the strength, flexibility, and overall health of the knee joint. Exercise plays a crucial role in this process, helping to manage symptoms of osteoarthritis, reduce pain and improve joint function. Below leading consultant trauma and orthopaedic surgeon Mr Farid Ud-Din lists some of the best exercises that can help in preventing the progression of knee problems and potentially delaying or avoiding the need for a knee replacement.

Signs you might have a labral tear in your hip: A young adult hip problem

Hip pain affects roughly 40% of athletes and active adults and around 15% of all people over 60. Hip pain arises from various factors, yet a prevalent cause often involves a tear in the hip labrum. According to research, up to 55% of individuals who experience hip or groin pain have experienced a labral tear. Over time, certain chronic conditions or regular repetitive movements can cause tears in the hip labrum.

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