What are eyelid lumps?
Lumps on the eyelids are relatively common, and most go away by themselves in a matter of days or weeks. There are a number of different types of eyelid lumps, which are caused by different things. Examples include:
- Stye
- Chalazion (plural: chalazia)
- Insect bite
- Swelling due to injury/after an operation
- Chickenpox/shingles
- Mole
- Freckle
Symptoms of eyelid lumps
Styes are small, painful lumps on the edge of the eyelid. They may be red and swollen due to infection, and are filled with yellow pus, like a pimple. They may cause your eye to water and become red, but should not impair the vision.
Chalazia are usually hard, tender lumps on the eyelid that can vary in size and location on the eyelid. The eyelid often feels heavy and the patient may experience increased tearing. Blisters or scabs, accompanied by a rash on the body is usually indicative of shingles or chickenpox.
What are the causes of eyelid lumps?
Different types of eyelid lumps have different causes:
- Styes are caused by a bacterial infection of an oil gland in the eyelid.
- A chalazion occurs when oil glands in the eyelid become blocked due to inflammation (blepharitis).
- Darker patches that appear to be moles or freckles should be checked out if they change size, shape, or colour, as they can sometimes be cancerous.
Can eyelid lumps be prevented?
The risk of developing styes and chalazia can be reduced by maintaining good eyelid hygiene. This can be achieved by cleaning the edges of the eyelid daily with a warm, moistened flannel or cotton bud.
Treatments for eyelid lumps
The majority of lumps, including styes, chalazions, and insect bites, clear up by themselves within a few weeks. Warm compresses and keeping the eyelid clean can help this process.
One self-treatment recommended for styes is to soak a flannel in warm water and hold it against the eye for 5-10 minutes and repeat this process several times a day.
In cases of severe bacterial infection, antibiotics may be prescribed by the doctor.
Large, persistent lumps may have to be drained surgically under local anaesthetic. Similarly, if the lump is identified as skin cancer, surgical treatment may be necessary.
Which type of specialist treats eyelid lumps?
Ophthalmologists diagnose and treat the majority of conditions affecting the eyes and eyelids. If the cause of the lump turns out to be cancerous or a condition that affects other parts of the body, other specialists may be involved in treating the condition.
Комки век
What are eyelid lumps?
Lumps on the eyelids are relatively common, and most go away by themselves in a matter of days or weeks. There are a number of different types of eyelid lumps, which are caused by different things. Examples include:
- Stye
- Chalazion (plural: chalazia)
- Insect bite
- Swelling due to injury/after an operation
- Chickenpox/shingles
- Mole
- Freckle
Symptoms of eyelid lumps
Styes are small, painful lumps on the edge of the eyelid. They may be red and swollen due to infection, and are filled with yellow pus, like a pimple. They may cause your eye to water and become red, but should not impair the vision.
Chalazia are usually hard, tender lumps on the eyelid that can vary in size and location on the eyelid. The eyelid often feels heavy and the patient may experience increased tearing. Blisters or scabs, accompanied by a rash on the body is usually indicative of shingles or chickenpox.
What are the causes of eyelid lumps?
Different types of eyelid lumps have different causes:
- Styes are caused by a bacterial infection of an oil gland in the eyelid.
- A chalazion occurs when oil glands in the eyelid become blocked due to inflammation (blepharitis).
- Darker patches that appear to be moles or freckles should be checked out if they change size, shape, or colour, as they can sometimes be cancerous.
Can eyelid lumps be prevented?
The risk of developing styes and chalazia can be reduced by maintaining good eyelid hygiene. This can be achieved by cleaning the edges of the eyelid daily with a warm, moistened flannel or cotton bud.
Treatments for eyelid lumps
The majority of lumps, including styes, chalazions, and insect bites, clear up by themselves within a few weeks. Warm compresses and keeping the eyelid clean can help this process.
One self-treatment recommended for styes is to soak a flannel in warm water and hold it against the eye for 5-10 minutes and repeat this process several times a day.
In cases of severe bacterial infection, antibiotics may be prescribed by the doctor.
Large, persistent lumps may have to be drained surgically under local anaesthetic. Similarly, if the lump is identified as skin cancer, surgical treatment may be necessary.
Which type of specialist treats eyelid lumps?
Ophthalmologists diagnose and treat the majority of conditions affecting the eyes and eyelids. If the cause of the lump turns out to be cancerous or a condition that affects other parts of the body, other specialists may be involved in treating the condition.
How are eyelid cysts treated?
Por Miss Sengal Nadarajah
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All about eyelid lumps
Por Mr Robert Peden
Eyelid lumps can appear in many forms and have a range of different causes. While eyelid lumps are generally benign, some may cause symptoms or be bothersome in appearance. Here to provide an expert insight into eyelid lumps is Mr Robert Peden, renowned consultant ophthalmic and oculoplastic surgeon. подробнее
Eyelid lumps and bumps: A comprehensive guide
Por Ms Aoife Naughton
As a medical professional, I often encounter patients concerned about lumps or bumps on their eyelids. While these can be alarming, it's essential to understand that they often have benign causes and can be effectively managed. Revered consultant ophthalmic and oculoplastic surgeon Ms Aoife Naughton provides a guide to the various types of eyelid lumps and bumps, their causes, and what you can do about them. подробнее
Treating benign and malignant eyelid lumps
Por Mr Daniel Ezra
The eyelids are complex structures, made up of several different types of tissue, all of which can become inflamed or swollen, resulting in an eyelid lump. Eyelid lumps are mostly benign and are easily removed with a local anaesthetic. However, the eyelids can also be a common site for malignant tumours. Here we get a description of how a common benign (xanthelasma) and malignant (BCC) eyelid lump are treated by Mr Daniel Ezra, who is a leading ophthalmic surgeon. подробнее
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