Advancements in gynaecological laparoscopic robotic surgery

Written in association with:

Mr Evangelos Tselos

Obstetrician - gynaecologist

Published: 30/07/2024
Edited by: Conor Lynch

Laparoscopic robotic surgery has revolutionised gynecology, offering unprecedented precision and minimal invasiveness. This advanced surgical technique integrates robotics with laparoscopic procedures, allowing surgeons to perform complex operations through tiny incisions, significantly enhancing patient outcomes. In this article, renowned consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist, Mr Evangelos Tselos, explains how advanced laparoscopic robotic surgery has advanced in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology. 

How is advanced laparoscopic robotic surgery used in gynaecology?

At the core of this technology is the robotic surgical system, typically comprising a console, patient-side cart with robotic arms, and a high-definition 3D vision system. The surgeon operates from the console, manipulating the robotic arms equipped with miniaturized instruments. The system translates the surgeon’s hand movements into precise micro-movements of the instruments inside the patient’s body. This setup provides exceptional dexterity, stability, and a magnified view of the surgical field, enabling intricate maneuvers that are challenging with traditional laparoscopic surgery.


In gynaecology, advanced laparoscopic robotic surgery is employed in various procedures, including hysterectomies, myomectomies, endometriosis resection, and pelvic organ prolapse repairs. The benefits are multifold. Firstly, the precision of robotic assistance reduces the risk of damage to surrounding tissues and organs, resulting in fewer complications.


Secondly, smaller incisions lead to reduced postoperative pain, shorter hospital stays, and faster recovery times, allowing patients to resume their daily activities more quickly. Moreover, the enhanced visualisation and maneuverability improve the surgeon’s ability to remove endometrial implants and fibroids meticulously, increasing the success rates of such procedures.


The learning curve associated with robotic surgery is a critical consideration. Surgeons undergo specialised training to master the use of robotic systems, ensuring they can leverage the technology's full potential. Continuous advancements in robotic technology, such as enhanced haptic feedback and artificial intelligence integration, are expected to further refine these surgeries, making them even safer and more effective.


Despite its advantages, robotic surgery is not without challenges. The high cost of robotic systems and limited availability in some regions can be barriers to widespread adoption. However, as technology evolves and becomes more cost-effective, the accessibility and prevalence of robotic surgery in gynecology are likely to increase.

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