Hoodectomy: an expert insight

Written in association with:

Mr Mohammad Masood

Obstetrician - gynaecologist

Published: 12/01/2022
Edited by: Conor Lynch

A hoodectomy procedure is one that significantly shortens the woman’s clitoral hood, with the main objective being to improve the overall cosmetic appearance of the area surrounding the female clitoris.


In our latest article, expert consultant gynaecologist, Mr Mohammad Masood, walks us through in detail what exactly a hoodectomy is, how and why it is typically performed, and what recovery time entails for the woman once she has undergone a hoodectomy procedure.

What is a hoodectomy?

A hoodectomy is a surgical procedure that is performed in order to remove extra skin around the clitoris and is usually performed as part of a labiaplasty.


How and why is it performed?

Hoodectomy procedures should be taken extremely cautiously. The woman must be aware of why she is opting to undergo this surgical procedure and how it will benefit her.


Most commonly, it is performed as a part of labiaplasty when the labia minora is hypertrophic and too long, along with hypertrophy of the clitoral hood, when there is a lot of extra skin. Therefore, to achieve a symmetrical result, we perform a hoodectomy as part of a labiaplasty.


What are the main benefits of having a hoodectomy done?

The majority of women choose to undergo a hoodectomy in order to improve the overall cosmetic appearance in and around the clitoris area. Another reason why women opt to undergo this procedure is due to the fact that the woman can experience a greater level of stimulation once the excess skin around the clitoris has been successfully removed.


What is recovery time like following a hoodectomy?

Full recovery from a hoodectomy procedure takes about four to six weeks. In the initial few days, there is quite a bit of pain and discomfort.


However, the pain, discomfort, and swelling all gradually settle down, and the woman is able to do routine things within a week, but a complete recovery generally takes up to four to six weeks. Full return of sensation can take even longer because the nerves will take quite a while to fully heal.


Mr Mohammad Masood is a highly proficient expert when it comes to labiaplasty and hoodectomy procedures respectively. Consult with the revered London and Essex-based gynaecologist today by checking out his Top Doctors profile today.

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