What are the signs and symptoms of an early pregnancy?

Written in association with:

Dr Amelia Davison

Obstetrician - gynaecologist

Published: 14/07/2022
Edited by: Conor Lynch

In this article, Dr Amelia Davison, a highly esteemed and accomplished London-based consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist, reveals the most common signs and symptoms of early pregnancy that women should watch out for, and if there are any unusual signs that women may not expect when it comes to a potentially early pregnancy.

What are the signs and symptoms of an early pregnancy?

The most common symptom of an early pregnancy is a missed period. Other early signs to look out for include tender and swollen breasts, fatigue, and feeling bloated. Women also may have some light bleeding and mild period-like cramps as the pregnancy implants.


Are there any unusual signs that people may not expect?

Women experiencing bleeding or pain with a positive pregnancy test should seek medical help and an ultrasound scan.


How soon can you feel early pregnancy?

Some women report feeling pregnant immediately, whilst others don’t feel pregnant until much later on in the pregnancy. Women should not worry if they don’t feel pregnant during the early stages.  


What should people do once they know they’re pregnant?

Once women know they are pregnant, they should start taking folic acid and should arrange to be seen for an ultrasound scan to check the health and date of their pregnancy.


They should also stop drinking alcohol and caffeine, stop smoking, and try to eat as healthily as possible. There are a number of foods women should avoid in pregnancy, including pate, raw or undercooked meat, eggs, and fish. Continuing with your normal exercise regime is also advisable.


How are people experiencing early pregnancy supported medically?

During early pregnancy, women may seek medical advice for an ultrasound scan. This is particularly important if they have had a previous miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. They may also want to see a specialist for general advice and support, as well as an explanation of what to expect during the rest of the pregnancy.


If you have had a previous miscarriage, it is important to be seen by a specialist, as progesterone (one of the pregnancy hormones), may be offered to help support the ongoing pregnancy.


Book an appointment with Dr Amelia Davison today via her Top Doctors profile if you are experiencing unusual signs of early pregnancy and would like to get them checked out and to either rule out or confirm pregnancy.

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