Arterial obstruction


Peripheral arterial blockage occurs when blood flow is interrupted in a particular area of the body for various reasons, such as thrombosis, trauma, aneurysm, vasculitis, degenerative disease ... Among the risk factors that may predispose an obstruction or arterial occlusion are hypertension, diabetes mellitus, or dyslipidemia (increased fat in the blood). Furthermore, clogging can be classified in two ways: chronic arterial acute and subacute versus time of the establishment of clinical; and complete, incomplete or irreversible, depending on the affected tissue viability. Clinically, an arterial obstruction is manifested by pain, diminished pulses, pallor, cyanosis (bluish skin color), muscle stiffness and gangrene. For the diagnosis of these conditions, it is very important the physical examination of the patient, and treatment can be medical or surgical, depending on the case.

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