Bone reconstruction

What is bone reconstruction?

Bone reconstruction is the regeneration of lost bone. Dentists use this technique after a tooth extraction, to fill bone defects caused by periodontitis or when inserting dental implants in an area without enough bone to firmly hold the titanium root.

How is bone reconstruction done?

There are three methods most commonly used in bone reconstruction: grafts, guided bone regeneration and elevation of the maxillary sinus.

Grafts are usually made using bone from the patient or a synthetic material. Once in place, the body heals around the graft and they provide a sound structure for the body’s own tissue to regenerate around.

Guided bone regeneration (GBR) involves placing a barrier membrane which helps direct the body’s own production of new bone and gum tissue. Sometimes injections are given to the patient which help stimulate faster bone regeneration.

Elevation of the maxillary sinus, also known as a sinus lift, is a surgical procedure that involves raising the sinus membrane (Schneiderian membrane) in order to insert bone graft material, in order to form a sounder structure around which the body can produce new bone in the upper jaw.

When is bone reconstruction necessary?

Bone reconstruction is required in areas where there are defects or gaps in the existing bones of the jaw or where extractions have taken place.

In some patients undergoing dental implant procedures, the chances of the implant remaining in place are higher if the implant is given proper support through bone construction. Your dental surgeon can determine if this is necessary for you by examining special imaging scans.

What should patients expect from a bone reconstruction procedure?

Local or general anaesthesia can be administered to make the patient comfortable and the procedure can be performed relatively quickly, usually between twenty to ninety minutes. Patients usually take light pain killers after the procedure and some antibiotics to prevent infections.

Which type of doctor performs bone reconstruction?

Specialist maxillofacial and oral surgeons and dentists perform bone reconstruction.

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