Foetal fibronectin

What is being analysed here?

Foetal fibronectin is produced at the junction between the amniotic sac surrounding the fetus and the inner membrane of the maternal uterus (decidua). Its detection in cervicovaginal fluid is used to predict the risk of pre-term labour in the short term.

What does the result mean?

Negative or normal: In a normal pregnancy, fFN disappears after 24 weeks and reappears around week 36. Positive or abnormal: Elevated values between weeks 22 and 35 indicate a higher risk of pre-term labour.

Why is this analysis performed? 

To assess the risk of pre-term labour in pregnant women. The test is indicated between weeks 22 and 35, especially in cases with symptoms or signs of pre-term labour.

When to perform the analysis?

Between weeks 22 and 35. In women at increased risk (due to a history of preterm labor or short cervix).

Is a sample required?

A sample of vaginal or cervical fluid is taken from the posterior portion of the vagina or just outside the cervical opening.

Is any preparation needed?

Abstain from sexual intercourse 24 hours before the test. Avoid lubricants, lotions, and douches for at least one day prior.

How is it used?

It predicts the risk of pre-term labour. Abnormal fFN levels indicate issues in the uteroplacental attachment.

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