KRAS mutation

What is being analysed here?

The KRAS mutation is a genetic alteration affecting the KRAS gene. This gene encodes a protein that regulates cell growth and signaling. KRAS mutations may be associated with the development of certain types of cancer.

What does the result mean?

When a KRAS mutation is detected, it may indicate an increased cancer risk or impact treatment response. Interpretation should consider clinical context and discussion with a specialised physician.

Why is this analysis performed?

KRAS mutation analysis is done to assess cancer prognosis and progression and to personalise treatment, as specific therapies may be more effective for patients with KRAS mutations. 

When is this analysis performed?

KRAS mutation analysis is typically requested upon cancer diagnosis or suspicion. It is also relevant for treatment planning and follow-up.

Is any sample required?

The analysis is performed on a tumour tissue sample obtained through a biopsy or surgery.

Is any preparations needed?

Generally, no special preparation is required for KRAS mutation analysis. Follow specific instructions provided by your doctor or the laboratory.

How is it used?

Analysis results guide treatment decisions. If a KRAS mutation is detected, targeted therapies may be considered.

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