Lichen sclerosus in men

What is lichen sclerosus in men?

Lichen sclerosus is a rare autoimmune inflammatory disease, also known as Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus.


It is a skin and mucosae condition that affects particularly the tissue of the genital area in men and women. However, lichen sclerosus in men, also known as male genital lichen sclerosus, will often affect the foreskin and tip of the penis. It can affect men and boys of any age.


What are the symptoms of lichen sclerosus in men?

The most common symptoms of lichen sclerosus in men are:

Soreness Itchy foreskin Painful erections Cracked foreskin Narrowing of the meatus (urethral opening)

What causes lichen sclerosus in men?

The cause of lichen sclerosus in men is not fully known, however, it is not sexually transmitted and it rarely occurs in men who have been circumcised at a young age. The affected skin can feel sore, itchy and a burning sensation after sexual intercourse.


How is lichen sclerosus in men treated?

It is believed that, for uncircumcised men, circumcision can be a solution for lichen sclerosis. Topical steroid ointments and immunosuppressive medications are some of the options available to those who are already circumcised. In more serious cases surgery to remove the problematic skin may be suggested. Unfortunately, due to the rarity of lichen sclerosus in men, treatment methods haven't been sufficiently studied yet.

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