Parasites in stool analysis

What is being analysed?

Parasites in stool analysis is a diagnostic procedure that involves examining faecal samples to identify the presence of parasites, such as worms, protozoa, or other harmful organisms.

What does the result mean?

The results of this analysis indicate whether parasites are present in the stool and help identify the specific type of parasites. This information is crucial for diagnosing and treating parasitic infections.


Why undergo the analysis?

The analysis is performed to diagnose parasitic infections in the gastrointestinal tract. Detecting and treating parasites early can prevent complications and improve overall health.


When should the analysis be done?

The analysis is recommended when individuals experience unexplained gastrointestinal symptoms like persistent diarrhoea, abdominal pain, or weight loss. It is also conducted as a part of routine check-ups or when traveling to regions with a higher risk of parasitic infections.


What sample is required?

 A small sample of stool is collected and submitted for analysis. The sample should be fresh and uncontaminated, as this ensures accurate results.


Is any type of preparation necessary?

In most cases, no special preparation is required. However, it is essential to inform healthcare providers about any medications, supplements, or recent travel that might affect the results.


How is it performed?

The stool sample is examined under a microscope, and various techniques, such as stool cultures or molecular tests, may be employed to identify parasites accurately. Advanced laboratory methods help in precise detection.


What are the normal values?

Parasite Type

Normal Values





Other Organisms




What does having altered values mean?

Altered values, indicating the presence of parasites, suggest a parasitic infection. The specific treatment will depend on the type of parasite identified. Prompt medical intervention is crucial to manage and eradicate the infection effectively.

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