Phenobarbital test

What is being analysed?

This test analyses phenobarbital levels in the blood. Phenobarbital is a medication primarily used as an anticonvulsant to prevent seizures. Monitoring its levels is crucial to ensure therapeutic effectiveness and to avoid toxicity.


What does the result mean?

The result indicates the concentration of phenobarbital in the blood. This information helps assess whether the dosage is appropriate for controlling seizures and if adjustments are necessary to maintain therapeutic levels.


Why is the analysis performed?

The analysis is performed to:

Ensure the medication is at a therapeutic level to control seizures effectively. Prevent toxicity by monitoring for excessive levels of phenobarbital. Adjust dosage as needed based on individual patient response and metabolism.


Phenobarbital analysis should be conducted:

Regularly to monitor therapeutic levels. When there are changes in dosage or medication regimen. If the patient experiences changes in seizure frequency or severity. If there are signs or symptoms of phenobarbital toxicity.


What sample is required?

A blood sample is required for phenobarbital analysis. Typically, a venous blood sample is drawn from the arm.


Is any prior preparation necessary?

No specific prior preparation is necessary for phenobarbital analysis. However, patients should inform their healthcare provider about all medications, supplements, and herbal remedies they are taking.


What are the normal values?

The normal therapeutic range for phenobarbital in the blood is typically between 10 to 40 micrograms per millilitre (mcg/mL).


Phenobarbital Level (mcg/mL)


Less than 10

Below therapeutic range

10 - 40

Therapeutic range

Greater than 40

Risk of toxicity, dose adjustment required

Regular monitoring and interpretation of phenobarbital levels are essential for optimising treatment outcomes and ensuring patient safety. Consultation with a healthcare provider is necessary for proper evaluation and management based on individual patient needs and circumstances.


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