Platelet count

What is analysed in a platelet count?

The platelet count measures the quantity of platelets in a blood sample. Platelets are small blood cells crucial for clotting.

What does the result mean?

Normal Range: Platelet counts typically fall between 150,000 and 450,000 platelets per microliter (μL) of blood. Low Platelet Count (Thrombocytopenia): Fewer than 150,000 platelets/μL may increase bleeding risk. High Platelet Count (Thrombocytosis): More than 450,000 platelets/μL may indicate inflammation or myeloproliferative conditions.

Why perform the analysis?

The analysis is performed to detecting disorders and to evaluate coagulation disorders like idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) or essential thrombocytosis. It also tracks responses to treatments such as chemotherapy or bone marrow transplants and assesses bleeding risk before surgeries.

When should the analysis be performed?

During a routine checkup, during regular medical exams, if patients are experiencing unusual bleeding, bruising, or fatigue, and before surgeries to evaluate bleeding risk.

Is there any required sample?

A venous blood sample is drawn.

Any preparations needed?

In some cases, fasting for at least four hours before the test is required. Inform your doctor about any medications you take, as some can affect the results.

How is it used?

Results aid in diagnosing coagulation disorders and guide treatment.

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