Pre-gangrene Treatment

  Gangrene is a process in which living tissue (skin, muscle or bone) dies and enters putrefaction. The most affected parts are often the extremities (legs, arms, fingers) but can also affect internal organs such as the intestine, gallbladder, or any body with lack of blood supply, causing the growth in the area of certain types of bacteria destroy tissue. You can also produce a gangrene after freezing, exposure to extreme cold, or a vascular complication of diabetes. Clinically, it is manifested by numbness, tingling, severe pain and discoloration of the affected area. In the treatment of pre-gangrene is important to consider a range of measures to prevent the final state of putrefaction to be reached tissue (gangrene): maintain good control of diabetes, balanced diet, the most extreme precautions against the significant drop in temperatures, preventing any infection, and avoid snuff, among others.
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