108 Harley Street Medical

108 Harley Street Medical 02070393333 108 Harley Street, W1G 7ET
5 5 1 551
(551) valoraciones verificadas

In researching who I wanted to see I found Mr Marsh’s materials online very helpful, I found him very thorough and his staff are responsive - thank you.

Centro especializado en:

Ангиология и сосудист... Спортивная медицина Дерматология Женское здоровье Диагностика при помощ... реабилитация

Por qué es un centro médico de primer nivel

108 Harley Street Medical is a multi-disciplinary centre which strives to deliver excellent patient care with focus on compassion, respect, and integrity based in London.


The medical centre is comprised of:

  • The Breast Clinic
  • The Skin Clinic
  • The Gilmore Groin and Hernia Clinic
  • The Sports Injury Clinic
  • The Vascular Clinic
  • The Women's Health Clinic
  • The Rectal Clinic
  • X-ray and imaging
  • Day Surgery Centre


By providing all the above services, 108 Harley Street Medical is able to provide care, choice, and support throughout their patients' journeys. The clinic is registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) as a division of 108 Medical Ltd. 


Following their mission to delivery exception patient care and communication, the doctors at 108 Harley Street Medical also provide webinars available to the public.

El centro

108 Harley Street Medical

108 Harley Street, W1G 7ET, W1G Marylebone London, London

Cuadro médico del centro

Mr Mahantesh Karoshi


Эксперт в области:

Дисменорея Поликистоз яичников Бесплодие Киста яичника аденомиоз Выкидыш
Dr James Mackay


Эксперт в области:

рак Генетика рака Рак молочной железы Семейный анамнез рака... Генетические анализы Генетические консуль�...
Professor Julia Scarisbrick


Эксперт в области:

Рак кожи Лимфомы Акне Диагностика рака кожи... Киста Родинки (невусы)
Mr John Richard Sainsbury

пластический хирург

Эксперт в области:

Увеличение груди при �... Уменьшение размера гр... Грудные комочки Подтяжка груди (масто�... Реконструкция молочн�...

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Solicitar cita online
Mr Mahantesh Karoshi
Dr James Mackay
Professor Julia Scarisbrick
Mr John Richard Sainsbury
пластический хирург
Professor Paul Lee

Ver todos los doctores que cumplen tus requerimientos >

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