Brain Health Clinic

Brain Health Clinic 01218287570 85 Wimpole St, London, W1G 9RJ
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(6) valoraciones verificadas

I am extremely pleased with the level of service I received right from the time of booking to the actual assessment session. Dr Mohan not only provided me the referral for rTMS treatment but carried out additional screening to advise that I may be have underlying ADHD traits.

Centro especializado en:

Синдром дефицита вним... Аутизм Нейропсихиатрия Психоз Биполярное расстройс�...

Por qué es un centro médico de primer nivel

The Brain Health Clinic is a newly established national neuropsychiatry clinic that specialises in adult ADHD, autism, neuropsychiatry, and dementias and memory loss including Alzheimer's disease. Its specialists are also highly experienced in the treatment of sleep disorders, bipolar disorder, psychosis, depression, anxiety and OCD.

The clinic also provides neuropsychiatric treatment for neurological conditions including Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, movement disorders, multiple sclerosis and head injury. All doctors are experts and will be happy to provide neuropsychiatry assessments and medicolegal reports in a timely manner. With its office based at 85 Wimpole Street in London, the clinic began operating in 2023.

The private online clinic comprises a team of highly qualified and skilled consultant psychiatrists and neurologists, including Dr Mohanbabu Rathnaiah, Dr Tayyib Hayat, Dr Jennifer Cassita Norman, Dr Valerie Pecco, and Dr Alison Hopkins to mention a few. The clinic offers a comprehensive ADHD assessment for adult ADHD including reports and ADHD medication intervention.

Brain Health Clinic is a remote online clinic, offering patients high-quality video consultations. Patients should note that the opening hours are Monday to Sunday from 8 am to 8 pm. Brain Health Clinic also has experts in Neuroradiology and Neuromodulation as part of their MDT.

El centro

Brain Health Clinic

85 Wimpole St, London, W1G 9RJ, Central London, London

Cuadro médico del centro

Dr Simmi Sachdeva-Mohan


Эксперт в области:

СДВГ Биполярное расстройс�... Тревожное состояние Депрессия ПТСР Послеродовая депресс�...
Dr Mohan Rathnaiah



Эксперт в области:

Аутизм Нейропсихиатрия Психоз Болезнь Альцгеймера Биполярное расстройс�... Депрессия
Dr Ellen Wheller


Эксперт в области:

СДВГ Аутизм ПТСР Тревожное состояние Депрессия Когнитивно-поведенче�...
Dr Shazad Farooq


Эксперт в области:

Депрессия Тревожное состояние Обсессивно-компульси�... ПТСР Расстройства личност�... Судебная психиатрия

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Dr Simmi Sachdeva-Mohan
Dr Mohan Rathnaiah
Dr Ellen Wheller
Dr Shazad Farooq
Dr Amith Munshi
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