Derma Reading

Derma Reading 0118 466 0935 Shepherds Hill, Woodley, RG6 1FE
5 5 1 143
(143) valoraciones verificadas

I have been treated very well, with curtesy and respect at all times My consultations and subsequent surgery was all clearly explained and handled well. I just didn't expect to still have a raised eyebrow 4 weeks after my surgery but I'm guessing that will settle in time

Centro especializado en:

прыщи Детская дерматология Рак кожи Выпадение волос Эстетическая медицин�... Кроты

Por qué es un centro médico de primer nivel

Derma Reading is a renowned dermatology clinic for excellence in the treatment of the skin, hair and nails. Founded in 2020, the private practice led by Dr Rima Clayton, leading consultant dermatologist, and Mr Jon Clayton, offers state-of-the-art medical and aesthetic treatments alongside investigations and medical-grade skincare tailored to the holistic needs of each patient.

The team at Derma Reading is entirely comprised of highly qualified consultants in the fields of dermatology and plastic surgery, as well as specialist nurses, who are passionate about providing outstanding care for a range of conditions, such as acne, skin cancer, rosacea, paediatric skin problems, lumps, skin lesionshair and nail disorders, and hyperhidrosis. Additional to its main services, Derma Reading also provides gold standard in maintenance therapies and preventative care for skin concerns caused by ageing.

Using cutting-edge technology, including total body mapping and the Venus Versa™ system, Derma Reading delivers the foremost service for clinical analysis and treatment. The centre, located only 2.5 miles from the town centre, is newly renovated and well-equipped with modern facilities and a car park outside the entrance.

El centro

Derma Reading

Shepherds Hill, Woodley, RG6 1FE, Reading , Reading

Seguros médicos compatibles con este centro

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Imágenes del centro

Cuadro médico del centro

Dr Rima Clayton


Эксперт в области:

Шрамы от акне Гипергидроз Меланома Детская дерматология себорейный дерматит Хирургическая дермат�...
Dr Rachel Fisher



Эксперт в области:

Базально-клеточная ка... Криотерапия Псориаз Экзема Алопеция Инфекционные заболев�...
Dr Rakesh Patalay


Эксперт в области:

Базально-клеточная ка... Коррекция морщин лица... Лазерная хирургия Микрохирургия по Мохс... Псориаз Рак кожи на лице
Mr Andy Pay

пластический хирург

Эксперт в области:

Киста Липомы Меланома Родинки (невусы) Рак кожи Поражения кожи

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Dr Rima Clayton
Dr Rachel Fisher
Dr Rakesh Patalay
Mr Andy Pay
пластический хирург
Dr John Reed

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