Fitzrovia Medical Clinic
The best GP specialist in London. Very kind and professional. Reasonable prices. Highly recommended.
Centro especializado en:
Проверка здоровья Педиатрия Женское здоровье хронические заболева�... Взрослый диабет Сексуальное здоровьеPor qué es un centro médico de primer nivel
Fitzrovia Medical Clinic, strategically situated in the heart of central London, is a beacon of healthcare excellence. The clinic’s team is made up of both esteemed general practitioners (GPs) and psychiatrists who are highly experienced in a wide range of medical services and treatments. These services include private GP consultations, aesthetic medicine, mental health support, gynaecology and fertility treatments, dermatology, and specialised care in women's health.
The clinic prides itself on delivering high-quality medical services while ensuring patients receive the utmost care and attention, tailored to their specific needs. This encompasses comprehensive health check-ups, paediatrics, obesity management, heart examinations, work-related stress management, and a range of vaccinations, ensuring a holistic approach to patient care.
At Fitzrovia Medical Clinic, the core belief revolves around a patient-centred approach. The team firmly adheres to a holistic model of healthcare. Every patient interaction involves a personalised approach to treatment. This ensures patients feel supported and heard throughout their medical journey.
El centro
Fitzrovia Medical Clinic
Fitzrovia Hospital, 13-14 Fitzroy Square , Central London, London
"Insurance companies do not sponsor the appearance of specialists or clinics on Top Doctors. Any mention of an insurance company is solely to indicate that these clinics or specialists accept this type of medical insurance."
Cuadro médico del centro
Dr Mohan Gondhalekar
Эксперт в области:
СДВГ Тревожное состояние ПТСР Панические атаки Расстройства личност�... ДепрессияDr Sabina Ghani
Эксперт в области:
Эстетическая дермато�... Аллергические заболе�... Экзема Акне Инфекционные заболев�... Удаление тегов кожиDr William Wong
Врач общей практики
Эксперт в области:
Обследование организ�... педиатрия Ожирение кардиологическая про�... Pабота стресс ВакцинацияDr Niraj Singh
Эксперт в области:
Депрессия СДВГ Аутизм Тревожное состояние Деменция Рецепт медицинского к...PIDE CITA AHORA: El servicio de gestión de cita es gratuito
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