Centro especializado en:

Педиатрия Кардиология Стоматология Акушерство и гинеколо... гастроэнтерология Психиатрия

Por qué es un centro médico de primer nivel

The Italian Doctors Clinic is a premier healthcare facility dedicated to providing comprehensive, patient-focused medical care in a welcoming and culturally inclusive environment. Specialising in serving the Italian-speaking community in London and beyond, the clinic offers a range of medical and specialist services designed to meet the diverse needs of its patients.

From general practice to specialised consultations, the clinic is equipped to address both routine and complex health concerns, ensuring personalised and high-quality care. With a team of experienced and bilingual medical professionals, the Italian Doctors Clinic bridges the gap between cultural familiarity and top-tier healthcare standards.

The staff includes experts across various specialities: dentistry, endocrinology and diabetology, cardiology, darmatology, ENT, gastroenterology, general and minor surgery, gynaecology, neurology, orthopaedics, osteopathy, paediatrics, psychology and urology, who are all committed to ensuring patient comfort and understanding throughout the healthcare journey.

Their holistic approach integrates cutting-edge medical technology with a deep understanding of individual patient needs, fostering trust and long-term relationships.

The clinic’s mission extends beyond clinical services, promoting health education and preventive care to empower patients to make informed decisions about their well-being. Conveniently located and designed with modern facilities, the Italian Doctors clinic strives to deliver excellence in care, combining the warmth of Italian hospitality with the precision of contemporary medical practice. This commitment has made it a trusted healthcare destination for patients seeking quality, culturally sensitive care.

El centro

Italian Doctors

24E Little Russell St, London, WC1A 2HS, Central London, London

Cuadro médico del centro

Dr Roberto Di Febo


Эксперт в области:

Бруксизм Зубные имплантаты эндодонтия Десневой транспланта�... Хирургия ретинирован�... Зубы мудрости
Dr Francesca Bianchi


Эксперт в области:

Гингивит Периимплантит периодонтит Контроль состояния пе... Контроль состояния зу... Отбеливание зубов
Mr Luca Bonomo

общий хирург

Эксперт в области:

Урологическая лапаро�... Желчные камни холецистэктомия Хирургия желчного пуз... грыжа Хирургическое лечени�...
Dr Raffaella Gabassi


Эксперт в области:

коронка Зубные имплантаты

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Dr Roberto Di Febo
Dr Francesca Bianchi
Mr Luca Bonomo
общий хирург
Dr Raffaella Gabassi
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