LINIA Skin Clinic

LINIA Skin Clinic 02037879821 64 Harley St, London
5 5 1 3
(3) valoraciones verificadas

Centro especializado en:

Эстетическая дермато�... Поражения кожи прыщи Выпадение волос Коррекция морщин лица...

Por qué es un centro médico de primer nivel

The LINIA Skin Clinic is an award-winning private clinic that possesses a team of experts in the field of cosmetic dermatology. The clinic, which is run by medical director, Dr Simon Zokaie, has been offering patients top-quality skin care and hair loss treatment for over 15 years, and specialises in a whole host of conditions, including acne, hair loss treatment, dermal fillers, anti-wrinkle injections, thread facelifts, eczema, rosacea, dry skin, skin cancer, warts and verrucas, and skin rashes, but to only mention a few. 

Notably, the leading aesthetic clinic on London's renowned Harley Street was finalist at the 2022 Aesthetic Awards, and has been featured in the likes of Vogue magazine and The Telegraph. The facilities at the private hospital are purposefully designed to ensure the highest standards of quality and safety for all patients. At LINIA Skin Clinic, the first exclusive skincare shop on Harley Street has recently been opened. All clients are offered a skin consultation with one of our experts before being recommended their personalised skincare regime.

El centro

LINIA Skin Clinic

64 Harley St, London, Central London, London

Imágenes del centro

Cuadro médico del centro

Dr Simon Zokaie



Эксперт в области:

Акне Шрамы от акне Родинки (невусы) Киста Купероз Поражения кожи

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Dr Simon Zokaie
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