Centro especializado en:
Вагинальные проблемы Акушерство и гинеколо... Диагностика при помощ... Материнство Эндометриоз Женское здоровье Миомы Проверка здоровьяPor qué es un centro médico de primer nivel
ObGyn Matters London is a gynaecology and obstetrics clinic at the world-renowned Portland Hospital in Central London. It has a team of five highly-experienced consultants in obstetrics and gynaecology. The clinic offers confidential, personal and individualised care.
The team at ObGyn Matters London offers a full range of both surgical and non-surgical treatments for women with conditions such as fibroids, endometriosis and bladder/urinary problems. They also offer treatment for women going through the menopause.
The clinic was founded by Dr Christian Barnick and Dr Alison Wright. Together, these two senior specialist consultants have over 30 years of experience working at top London teaching hospitals at consultant level.
El centro
ObGyn Matters London
The Portland Hospital, 212 Great Portland Street, W1W 5QN, Central London, London
"Insurance companies do not sponsor the appearance of specialists or clinics on Top Doctors. Any mention of an insurance company is solely to indicate that these clinics or specialists accept this type of medical insurance."
Imágenes del centro
Cuadro médico del centro
Mr Christian Barnick
Эксперт в области:
Хирургическое лечени�... миома Хирургическая гистер�... Урологическая лапаро�... Мониторинг беременно�... Кесарево сечениеDr Marina Fernando
Эксперт в области:
Хирургическая гистер�... УЗИ Контрацепция Нарушения менструаль�... аменореяDr Alison Wright
Эксперт в области:
Роды Сложная беременность урогинекологии Проблемы с мочевым пу�... МенопаузаDr Deepa Janga
Эксперт в области:
УЗИ Нарушения менструаль�... Контрацепция Гинекологические заб�... ВыкидышPIDE CITA AHORA: El servicio de gestión de cita es gratuito
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