Centro especializado en:

Восстановление волос Пересадка волос Пластическая, эстетич... техника было

Por qué es un centro médico de primer nivel

The Hair Dr is a UK-wide hair transplant clinic with various locations around the country, including Dewsbury (Wakefield), Harley Street in London and Beaconsfield in Buckinghamshire, that specialises in hair diagnostic and hair restoration services. The centre offers both face-to-face consultations and e-Consultations.

Lead by leading hair transplant surgeon Dr Fas Arshad, The Hair Dr team is also made up of Dr Hamza Ahmed who performs FUE hair transplant procedures, alongside skilled technicians and welcoming reception staff. Trained to the highest standard, they offer the most up-to-date and state-of-the-art holistic treatments and restoration services that include surgical and non-surgical options, precisely identifying client goals and expectations.

The Hair Dr clinic offers an extensive range of hair loss treatment and solutions for both men and women. These including all the modern hair transplant techniques; FUE (Follicular unit extraction), FUT (Follicular unit transplant) and the highly-sought after BHFUE (Body hair transplant). Furthermore, eyebrow, eyelash and beard reconstruction is offered while the non-surgical treatment scalp micropigmentation, suitable for treating a variety of hair loss conditions such as diffuse thinning, advanced hair loss and scars.

The Hair Dr's ethos is based on a strong belief in patient care and recognition in how personal hair loss can be. The team understands the effects it can have on patient's lives, whether it's personal or business, so care and quality is of paramount importance. Combining this human outlook with a professional approach to their practise by complying with required medical standards, means that The Hair Dr goes over and above their self-exacting protocols to deliver the best service possible for their clients.

El centro

Seguros médicos compatibles con este centro

Alliance Health Group
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Imágenes del centro

Cuadro médico del centro

Dr Fas Arshad

пластический хирург

Эксперт в области:

Лифтинг лица Лифтинг шеи ринопластика снижение Лоб Пластическая хирурги�... Трансплантация волос
Dr Hamza Ahmed

врач-специалист в области эстетической медицины

Эксперт в области:

Трансплантация волос техника было Выпадение волос снижение Лоб Микротрансплантация �... Антивозрастные проце�...

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Dr Fas Arshad
пластический хирург
Dr Hamza Ahmed
врач-специалист в области эстетической медицины
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