La clínica dental es especialista en
Эстетическая стомато�... Лечение зубов Хирургическая стомат�... Пародонтология корона Фарфоровые виниры шпатлевки Имплантология Эндодонтия Восстановление зубовPor qué es una clínica dental de primer nivel
The London Centre for Implant and Aesthetic Dentistry (LCIAD) is a highly prestigious and esteemed leading private practice for dental implants, aesthetic dentistry, and full mouth restoration, based in the heart of London's West End on Wimpole Street. With more than 15 years of experience as a clinic, LCIAD provides patients with excellent service, looking after patients who require family dental care, and is the ideal clinic for patients who require complex full mouth dental reconstructions.
The clinic also specialises in periodontics, endodontics, as well as the effective management of TMJ and bite problems. Its team, who, between them, have incredibly racked up over 100 years worth of experience in the field of dentistry to date, comprises of numerous highly qualified dental surgeons, as well as a dental hygienist and therapist. They are all passionate about providing the best quality of care for implant dentistry, aesthetic dentistry and cosmetic dentistry.
The London Centre for Implant and Aesthetic Dentistry, which also offers world-class non invasive facial aesthetic treatment at it's LCIAD Face clinic, provides the most up-to-date techniques as well as a holistic patient-centred approach to correct the shortcomings of previous treatments that may have been received elsewhere. Patients will be guaranteed long-term results, with the clinic's priority always being to offer a tailored treatment to satisfy the patient, and to ultimately assure that they feel content with the top-class dental treatment that they will be guaranteed to receive.
Clínica dental
LCIAD - The London Centre for Implant and Aesthetic Dentistry
28 Wimpole St, London, Central London, London
"Insurance companies do not sponsor the appearance of specialists or clinics on Top Doctors. Any mention of an insurance company is solely to indicate that these clinics or specialists accept this type of medical insurance."
Imágenes del centro
Cuadro médico de la clínica dental
Dr Koray Feran
Эксперт в области:
Восстановление кости Зубные имплантаты Прогрессивные технол�... Периодонтальная хиру�... Эстетическая стомато�... ПериимплантитDr Shiraz Khan
Эксперт в области:
Зубной бондинг Композитные виниры Челюстные костные тра... Эстетическая стомато�... Реставрация зубов Виниры и коронкиDr Gustavo Silva
Эксперт в области:
Зубные имплантаты Челюстные костные тра... Комплексная восстано�... Десневой транспланта�... Экспресс-имплантаты Реставрация зубовDr Tania Rafael Garcia
Эксперт в области:
Пародонтология Зубные имплантаты Абсцессы и флегмоны з�... Восстановление костн�... периодонтит Контроль состояния пе...PIDE CITA AHORA: El servicio de gestión de cita es gratuito
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