Oak Tree Clinic

Oak Tree Clinic 02921057600 2A, Oak Tree Court Mulberry Drive, Cardiff Gate Business Park, Cardiff
5 5 1 114
(114) valoraciones verificadas

I could not recommend Oak Tree Clinic and Professor Amso more strongly. Fertility issues are extremely emotive but Professor Amso and his team were always sensitive and kind. Prof Amso always took the time to clearly explain our options and answer any questions we had. Thank you.

Centro especializado en:

УЗИ Эстетическая медицин�... Экстракорпоральное о�... Акушерство и гинеколо... фертильность Проверка здоровья

Por qué es un centro médico de primer nivel

Oak Tree Clinic is a clinic based in Cardiff and is dedicated to optimising healthcare quality via an integrative approach to health and wellness. They include a wide range of treatments for general health, healing and wellbeing. This includes well-women and well-men assessments, subfertility and assisted reproduction consultants, general consultations with our expert team of gynaecology, diagnostic ultrasound services, medical aesthetic treatments including laser, and office procedures under local anaesthetic.

Oak Tree Clinic provide comprehensive diagnostic ultrasound services and focus on pregnancy and gynaecology. In addition, they offer evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of obstetric-and gynaecology-related issues. Their mission is to help patients maintain a high quality of life through best health practices, their entire staff is dedicated to this goal. They offer holistic solutions to meet all of your health needs.

El centro

Oak Tree Clinic

2A, Oak Tree Court Mulberry Drive, Cardiff Gate Business Park, Cardiff, Cardiff, Cardiff

Imágenes del centro

Cuadro médico del centro

Professor Nazar Amso


Эксперт в области:

УЗИ 4D Вспомогательные репр�... Хирургическая гистер�... Нарушения менструаль�... Тазовые боли Трансвагинальное УЗИ
Mrs Sajitha Parveen


Эксперт в области:

Повторный выкидыш Выпадение женских пол... Лечение бесплодия явл... Менопауза Трансвагинальное УЗИ Хирургическое лечени�...
Dr Georgina Forbes



Эксперт в области:

Заболевания, передающ... Контрацепция Внутриматочная спира�... Кандидоз сексуальное здоровье Анальная кондилома
Dr Sonia Wartan

специалист в области лечения боли


Эксперт в области:

Интервенционное лече�... Нейропатическая боль спинальные инъекции Люмбалгия Ишиас Тазовые боли

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Professor Nazar Amso
Mrs Sajitha Parveen
Dr Georgina Forbes
Dr Sonia Wartan
специалист в области лечения боли
Dr Mirka Slavska
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