TKC - The Kensington Clinic

TKC - The Kensington Clinic 0207 603 3008 6 Russell Gardens, Kensington
5 5 1 17
(17) valoraciones verificadas

Hands down the best dentist and hygienist in the whole of London. Very professional and excellent service.

Centro especializado en:

Эстетическая стомато�... Ортодонтия Зубные имплантаты косметическая стомат�... Стоматология Пародонтология

Por qué es un centro médico de primer nivel

The Kensington Clinic is the first branch of the highly established TKC dental clinic, founded by Dr Sheraz Aleem, based in Kensington, Central London. The clinic is fully equipped with state-of-the-art dental technology, providing both general and cosmetic dental care, including Smile Design and the latest gum disease treatment solutions.

TKC Dental– The Kensington Clinic boasts a team of highly qualified and skilled dentists, who work to the highest standards to ensure that you obtain the a healthy and aesthetically pleasing smile. The clinic offers multiple dental treatments and solutions, including porcelain veneers, dental implants, composite bonding, all-on-4 dental implants, extractions and periodontal surgery, along with supportive and non-surgical periodontal therapy. Resident specialist periodontist, Dr Sulaman Anwar is one of the few periodontists in the UK to offer Chao Pinhole® Surgical Technique as well as Waterlase® for the treatment of periodontitis and peri-implantitis.

The team at TKC Dental - The Kensington Clinic is committed to delivering a world-class standard of care to their patients, which is bespoke, friendly and of the highest quality. Run in tandem with TKC Dental - The Knightsbridge Clinic, patients receive seamless care and expert treatment at both central clinic locations. 

In addition to the expert dental treatment available at TKC – The Kensington Clinic, patients can personalise their care with a range of exclusive services, including a concierge, relaxation techniques and a member’s card. With its central location and attractive setting, patients are sure to enjoy a comfortable visit to TKC Dental - The Kensington Clinic.

El centro

TKC - The Kensington Clinic

6 Russell Gardens, Kensington, Central London, London

Seguros médicos compatibles con este centro

Alliance Health Group
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Imágenes del centro

Cuadro médico del centro

Dr Sheraz Aleem


Эксперт в области:

виниры Зубные имплантаты Экспресс-имплантаты Взрослая ортодонтия Invisalign® Стоматологический мо�...
Lidiya Yordanova

Медицинский работник

Эксперт в области:

Мезотерапия HIFU (сфокусированный у�... Facial aesthetics
Chloe Gyimah

Медицинский работник

Эксперт в области:

Стоматологический те�... Контроль состояния пе... Отбеливание зубов Профессиональная чис�... Флюоризация Facial aesthetics
Dr Sulaman Anwar



Эксперт в области:

Гингивит и периодонти... Периодонтальная хиру�... Зубные имплантаты Пародонтология Ретракция десен Бруксизм

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Dr Sheraz Aleem
Lidiya Yordanova
Медицинский работник
Chloe Gyimah
Медицинский работник
Dr Sulaman Anwar
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