Urology Partners | The Hampshire Clinic

Urology Partners | The Hampshire Clinic Basing Rd, Basingstoke
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Unidad Médica especializada en:

Урология Рак предстательной же... Доброкачественная ги�... Рак почек Мочекаменная болезнь ... Андрология

Por qué es una unidad médica de primer nivel

The Urology Partners, situated within The Hampshire Clinic, consist of a dedicated team of urologists devoted to delivering modern, innovative, and efficient healthcare services. Established in 2006 under the leadership of Mr Richard Hindley, Mr Simon Bott, and Mr Neil Barber, this collaboration ensures accessible urological guidance and swift access to specialised expertise.

Supported by exceptional urology nurses and a proficient administrative staff, the consultants are committed to providing exceptional patient care and service, embodying the core values of The Urology Partners.

The Hampshire Clinic offers a distinctive private healthcare experience, providing comprehensive treatment for a wide array of urological conditions including prostate cancer, BPH (benign prostate hyperplasia), kidney cancer, kidney stones (urolithiasis), male infertility, and erectile dysfunction. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology and advanced scanning facilities, the urologists can offer cutting-edge treatments. The clinic provides a serene environment for patients and their companions, with en-suite bathrooms in each room for patient privacy, along with complimentary amenities such as parking, light refreshments, and a diverse menu for meals throughout the day.

La unidad médica

Urology Partners | The Hampshire Clinic

Basing Rd, Basingstoke , Basingstoke, Hampshire

Seguros médicos compatibles con esta unidad médica

Alliance Health Group
See more

Cuadro médico de la unidad

Mr Ahmed Ali


Эксперт в области:

Вазектомия Рак мочевого пузыря Рак предстательной же... Инфекции мочевыводящ�... Камни в почках Доброкачественная ги�...
Mr Richard Hindley


Эксперт в области:

Рак предстательной же... Доброкачественная ги�... Тест PSA зеленый лазер простат... Биопсия простаты Проблемы с мочевым пу�...

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Mr Ahmed Ali
Mr Richard Hindley
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