Centro especializado en:
Катаракта Бариатрическая хирур�... Челюстно-лицевая хиру... Неврологическая хиру�... ортопедическая хирур�... Ортопедическая хирур�... Дерматология гастроэнтерология Акушерство и гинеколо... Женское здоровьеPor qué es un centro médico de primer nivel
The London Independent Hospital, part of Circle Health Group, provides unparalleled medical expertise and compassionate care and is located in Stepney Green, East London,
The hospital stands as a beacon of cutting-edge medical advancements, patient-centred services, and a commitment to your well-being.
The staff at The London Independent Hospital consists of distinguished surgeons and specialists, at the forefront of complex spine and orthopaedic surgery. The hospital’s unwavering dedication to innovation, coupled with years of experience, empowers its staff to take on the most challenging cases with confidence. The London Independent Hospital also provides expert care and diagnostics in its JAG-accredited endoscopy unit and cutting-edge imaging department (delivering MRI, CT and ultrasound scans), as well as its day-case surgery unit.
This state-of-the-art facility also provides leading care in sports medicine, bariatrics, gynaecology and general surgery. Furthermore, the staff at the one-stop balance clinic, the one-stop back pain clinic and health check-ups are devoted to providing second-to-none patient-centred care.
El centro
The London Independent Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
1 Beaumont Square, Stepney Green, East London, London
"Insurance companies do not sponsor the appearance of specialists or clinics on Top Doctors. Any mention of an insurance company is solely to indicate that these clinics or specialists accept this type of medical insurance."
Imágenes del centro
Cuadro médico del centro
Mr Akobundu Nnochiri
Эксперт в области:
Урологическая лапаро�... Киста яичника Хирургическая гистер�... миома Тазовое дно Хирургическое лечени�...Mr Ahmed-Ramadan Sadek
Эксперт в области:
Боль в спине Боль в шее Стеноз позвоночного к... Ишиас Малоинвазивная хирур�... Хирургия позвоночник�...Mr Alireza Shoakazemi
Эксперт в области:
Опухоли головного моз... Эндоскопическая хиру�... Гамма-нож Акустическая неврино�... Невралгия тройничног�... ДискэктомияMr Amer Khan
Эксперт в области:
Спортивные травмы явл... Плечо Артроскопия коленног�... Реконструкция передн�... Мениски восстановление хрящаPIDE CITA AHORA: El servicio de gestión de cita es gratuito
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