Centro especializado en:
Эндометриоз Кардиология Колоректальная хирур�... Neurorehabilitation Операция с минимальны... УЗИ Хирургия желчного пуз... Рука и запястье Диагностика при помощ... реабилитацияPor qué es un centro médico de primer nivel
Cleveland Clinic London is a medical institution located in Westminster, central London and known for its outstanding clinical performance, commitment to patient safety, successful treatment results, and cutting edge technology.
Founded in 2022, it provides access to an extensive global healthcare system, enhanced by the latest in health information technology and staffed by a team of world-class specialists and physicians.
At Cleveland Clinic London Hospital, a tailored triage process is utilised to identify the optimal care pathway for each patient. Surgeons work in coordination with experts from various medical specialties to create custom treatment plans that meet the individual needs of each patient, promoting a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach to healthcare. Patients at Cleveland Clinic London Hospital are guaranteed care from the most suitable specialist for their specific condition.
There are a wide range of specialised medical units and experienced medical professionals at Cleveland Clinic London Hospital to provide for your needs and the care you require.
El centro
Cleveland Clinic London Hospital
33 Grosvenor Place, Central London, London
"Insurance companies do not sponsor the appearance of specialists or clinics on Top Doctors. Any mention of an insurance company is solely to indicate that these clinics or specialists accept this type of medical insurance."
Cuadro médico del centro
Mr Asmat Din
пластический хирург
Эксперт в области:
Увеличение груди при �... Хирургия брюшной стен... Подтяжка груди (масто�... Родинки (невусы) Oculo-лицевой пластичес�... Лазерная коррекция шр...Mr Toby Colegate-Stone
Эксперт в области:
Вывих плеча Замена плеча Артроскопия плечевог�... Вращательная манжета Операция с минимальны... Боль в локтеMs Avril Chang
общий хирург
Эксперт в области:
Желчные камни Хирургия желчного пуз... Гастроэзофагеальная �... грыжа пищеводного отв... Хирургия селезенки Верхняя желудочно-ки�...Professor Justin Cobb
Эксперт в области:
Хирургия колена Артроскопия бедренно�... Замена бедренного сус... Перелом бедренного су... Протезирование колен�... Артроскопия коленног�...Unidades Médicas del centro
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