12 Медицинские статьи на тему Педиатрическая гастроэнтерология Более 7996 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Everything you need to know about disorders of the gut-brain axis (functional GI disorders)

Disorders of the gut-brain axis, also known as functional GI disorders, are a group of conditions that affect the digestive system without an identifiable structural or biochemical cause. These disorders are common in children. Dr Dharamveer Basude, distinguished consultant paediatric gastroenterologist, hepatologist, and nutritionist, provides an expert insight into these disorders, exploring what they are, how they are diagnosed, and what treatment options are available for them.

Navigating the maze of childhood digestive disorders: modern approaches and emerging treatments

This article explores the diagnosis and management of childhood digestive disorders, ranging from common conditions like GERD and constipation to more complex issues such as IBD. Discover the latest treatments, including dietary changes, medication, and emerging therapies that provide hope for improved outcomes.

What is a paediatric upper and lower GI endoscopy?

A paediatric upper and lower GI endoscopy is a medical procedure used to visually examine the upper and lower parts of the gastrointestinal tract, helping to evaluate a range of gastrointestinal conditions in children. Here, Dr Krishna Soondrum, renowned consultant paediatric gastroenterologist, provides an expert insight into the procedure.

A guide coeliac disease children causes diagnosis treatment

Coeliac disease is caused by an abnormal immune system reaction to gluten, a protein found in bread, pasta, cereals, etc. If your child has coeliac disease and they ingest gluten, their immune system detects this as harmful to the body and causes inflammation and damage to their intestine. Dr Assad Butt, one of our top paediatric gastroenterologists, guides us through the causes and diagnosis of coeliac disease and how it can be treated.

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