16 Медицинские статьи на тему Реабилитология Более 7440 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Редакция Top Doctors

Редакция Top Doctors

Navigating the stigma of medical cannabis: Overcoming social barriers

Medical cannabis has gained significant attention in recent years as a treatment option for various health conditions, particularly in pain management and rehabilitation medicine. However, despite growing acceptance, many patients still encounter stigma and social barriers when considering or discussing its use. This article provides an expert insight into the complexities surrounding medical cannabis, exploring its role in pain management and rehabilitation medicine, addressing common misconceptions, and providing strategies to overcome the social barriers associated with its use.

Редакция Top Doctors

Редакция Top Doctors

Thriving beyond the fog: managing long COVID symptoms and reclaiming your life

Long COVID, also referred to as postCOVID syndrome, is a complex condition that affects individuals long after their initial COVID-19 infection has resolved. This condition has impact many lives. Understanding the symptoms and learning how to manage them is esencial for reclaiming quality of life.

Редакция Top Doctors

Редакция Top Doctors

Neurological rehabilitation following traumatic injury: A path to recovery

Neurological rehabilitation following a traumatic injury is crucial in supporting patients who have experienced brain or spinal cord injuries to regain independence and enhance their quality of life. Here, Dr Vijay Kolli, leading consultant in physical and rehabilitation medicine at the renowned Cleveland Clinic London Rehabilitation Unit, provides an expert insight into the process and the journey towards recovery.

Exploring acupuncture: A gentle approach to wellness

In the realm of alternative medicine, acupuncture stands as a time-honoured therapy, garnering increasing interest among individuals seeking holistic approaches to health and wellness. Chartered physiotherapist Anthony Adesanmi examines acupuncture, exploring its principles, benefits, and considerations for those contemplating its embrace.

Neurorehabilitation following a stroke: Navigating the road to recovery

After experiencing a stroke, the journey to recovery often involves a comprehensive approach known as neurorehabilitation, a process that aims to help stroke survivors regain lost skills and adapt to new challenges brought on by the brain injury. Here, Dr Joseph Kwan, leading consultant in stroke, neurorehabilitation, and internal medicine, delves into the process of neurorehabilitation following a stroke, the common techniques and therapies, as well as how the rehabilitation plan is adjusted throughout the recovery journey.

Navigating polytrauma rehabilitation: A path to recovery

Welcome to the journey of polytrauma rehabilitation, where we embark together on the road to recovery. In the wake of a traumatic event causing multiple injuries, the path ahead may seem daunting, but rest assured, with the right guidance and support, restoration of health and functionality is achievable. Leading consultant in rehabilitation medicine Dr Emer McGilloway explores what polytrauma rehabilitation entails and how it can pave the way towards rebuilding your life.

Understanding neurorehabilitation: A quick guide for patients

Neurorehabilitation offers hope to individuals navigating the complexities of neurological conditions. It is a specialised branch of rehabilitation medicine dedicated to restoring function and enhancing the quality of life for those with neurological disorders, injuries, or diseases affecting the nervous system. Here, renowned consultant neurologist Professor James Teo explains when neurorehabilitation is recommended, and what type of therapies it entails.

Редакция Top Doctors

Редакция Top Doctors

Understanding complex polytrauma rehabilitation

Complex polytrauma refers to severe injuries sustained in multiple body systems, often resulting from high-impact events such as accidents, falls, or violent incidents. These injuries typically involve a combination of physical trauma, including damage to bones, organs, and soft tissues, as well as neurological injuries such as traumatic brain injury (TBI). In his latest online article, renowned consultant in pain and rehabilitation medicine Dr Vijay Kolli offers his expert insight into complex polytrauma, including the many different treatments on offer. Dr Kolli currently practises privately at the Cleveland Clinic London Rehabilitation Unit, a leading private rehabilitation centre in the heart of London.

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