Artículos del centro: London Ophthalmology Centre Более 7996 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Micro incision cataract surgery: Key advantages and what to expect from the recovery period

With innovations in the field of ophthalmology, patients can now benefit from improved outcomes of micro incision cataract surgical procedures. To tell us more, we invited highly respected consultant ophthalmologist and cataract specialist Mr Vik Sharma, to explain more about this cutting-edge procedure.

Am I suitable for lens replacement surgery?

Years ago, lens replacement surgery wasn't available to everyone, so many patients with poor vision were often denied this treatment. Nowadays, thanks to the advancement in technology, this isn't the case. Mr Vik Sharma, an expert lens surgeon, explains who is now suitable for this procedure and what you should look for when choosing a surgeon.

The future of glaucoma treatment

Glaucoma can become a very serious eye condition if it is not diagnosed and treated appropriately. Currently, treatments often rely on patients administering eye drops daily, but there are some new, exciting possibilities emerging for changing the way we treat glaucoma. Mr Vik Sharma, an expert in glaucoma, discusses these new treatments.

Protect yourself against glaucoma: what you need to know

Глаукома может оставаться незамеченной и может привести к постоянному повреждению вашего зрения. Один из лучших офтальмологов Лондона, г-н Вик Шарма предлагает первый взнос двух статей о состоянии и доступных вариантах лечения.

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