Artículos del centro: Regency House Dental Clinic Более 7589 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Smile Makeover: the way to perfecting

A smile makeover is exactly what it says. It's changing your smile, improving your smile in a way that makes you happy. It can be anything ranging from conventional braces, clear aligners, or composite bonding, which changes the shape, colour or shade of your teeth. You could also choose porcelain veneers or porcelain crowns. All of these are different options when it comes to a smile makeover.

Smile design straighter whiter smile

In the pursuit for the 'perfect smile', we often opt for very aggressive cosmetic treatments which carry many risks and can damage our natural teeth. Fortunately, there are many safe ways to brighten-up our smiles and achieve a very natural look without having to undergo these forms of treatment. Mr Abdellatif, a leading dentist in St Albans and London, explains more.

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