Artículos del centro: The White Bridge Clinic Более 7440 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Transforming smiles: Dental implants at White Bridge Clinic

At The White Bridge Clinic, we believe that a confident smile can change lives. Dental implants have revolutionised the field of dentistry, offering a permanent solution for missing teeth and helping patients regain their oral health and self-esteem. In his latest online article, Dr Amit Mohindra explores the world of dental implants and highlights the exceptional services provided by The White Bridge Clinic, ensuring you have all the information you need to make an informed decision about your dental health.

Straightening out your Invisalign queries

You’ve made the decision to have a sparkling smile by investing in Invisalign. But what takes place at the first consultation with the specialist? In this informative article leading Oxford general dental practitioner with a special interest in orthodontics Dr Katerina Rousea speaks to Top Doctors about your initial Invisalign consultation, what’s involved and frequently asked questions.

The latest trends in dental implants

Implants have been widely used in dentistry for several decades. Over this time, the design of implants has been perfected and expectations of dental implants have significantly increased. It’s now well accepted that with thorough treatment planning, the use of 3D digital radiographs and models, implants can be placed precisely with very few complications. Dr Amit Mohindra talks about the Navident system and how it has improved the placing of dental implants.

6 dental hygiene tips for the perfect smile

If you don’t clean your teeth every day, you’re putting yourself at risk of many dental problems. In this article, award-winning dentist, Dr Danny Watts, shares his expert advice on maintaining good oral hygiene and preventing tooth decay. Read on to find about the 6 important dental hygiene tips you should always add to your routine to maintain a perfect smile.

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