Artículos del doctor: Diane De Caluwe Более 7589 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Hernia treatment for children and babies

Hernias are common in children and babies and can occur due to a weakness in the abdominal wall muscles. Paediatric urologists often encounter questions from parents about hernia treatment for their little ones, and in this article leading paediatric surgeon and urologist Mrs Diane De Caluwe provides an in-depth overview of what's involved in hernia treatment for children and babies.

Hydronephrosis in children

Hydronephrosis is the swelling of one or both kidneys. The overall cause is a build-up of urine and this build-up is the result of one of several potential issues. Naturally, kidney problems in a child are worrying for any parent, but treatment, if necessary, is highly effective. Mrs Diane De Caluwe, a consultant paediatric urologist based in London, provides you with a general but detailed understanding of the diagnosis, causes and treatment of hydronephrosis is children.

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