Artículos del doctor: Dr Edson Nogueira Более 7996 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

What to do when the thyroid goes into hyperdrive: a guide to hyperthyroidism

The thyroid, a gland that is found between the clavicle and Adam’s apple in your throat, controls the metabolic rate of the body, which in turn determines how we function, grow, and develop. When the thyroid starts going into overdrive and producing too many hormones for the body to handle, it disrupts the entire body system and greatly impacts your health — this is called hyperthyroidism. Dr Edson Nogueira, consultant endocrinologist in London, explains the condition and ways to treat it.

Understanding hormone replacement therapy for transgender individuals

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a critical element of the transition process for many transgender individuals. It involves the administration of hormones to align a person's physical characteristics with their gender identity. Here, Dr Edson Nogueira, renowned consultant in endocrinology, diabetes, and general medicine, provides comprehensive information about HRT for transgender individuals, addressing common questions and concerns.

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