Artículos del doctor: Dr Giovanni Luigi De Maria Более 7996 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

What is microvascular angina?

Microvascular angina is a lesser-known form of heart-related chest pain that can have a profound impact on daily life. Here, Dr Giovanni Luigi De Maria, distinguished consultant interventional cardiologist, explores what microvascular angina is, its symptoms, how it differs from traditional angina, and the treatment approaches aimed at managing this condition.

Relief for chronic angina: Insights on the coronary sinus reducer

If you suffer from chronic angina, a condition marked by severe chest pain due to reduced blood flow to the heart, you might be a candidate for a procedure involving a coronary sinus reducer. This relatively new medical device offers a therapeutic option for those whose symptoms persist despite medications and when other treatments (as stents or coronary bypass surgery) have failed or are technically unfeasible. In his latest online article, Dr Giovanni Luigi De Maria gives us his insights.

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