Artículos del doctor: Dr Jeremy Cobbold Более 7996 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Can you live a long life with liver disease, and how do hepatologists help?

Liver disease is a broad term that encompasses a range of conditions affecting the liver, from fatty liver disease and hepatitis to cirrhosis and liver cancer. While liver disease can have serious implications, many individuals can live long and fulfilling lives with proper management and care. Hepatologists—specialists in liver health—play a crucial role in diagnosing, treating, and managing these conditions to optimise outcomes and improve quality of life.

What is metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease?

Metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD) is a newly defined condition that represents a shift in understanding liver disease in relation to metabolic health. It’s a major cause of liver issues globally and is linked to metabolic conditions like obesity, type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance. This new definition aims to be more inclusive and accurate in capturing a wider range of patients affected by liver disease associated with metabolic dysfunction.

Alcoholic related liver disease (ARLD)

Do you know how many alcohol units are in your glass? Alcohol is a normal and pleasurable part of social occasions, but still, we should all try to consume it in moderation. Dr Jeremy Cobbold, a hepatologist and gastroenterologist, tells you how much alcohol is bad for you, clarifies how many alcohol units are in your drinks, addresses binge drinking and provides you with tips to lower your intake.

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