Artículos del doctor: Mr Kelvin Chong Более 7440 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Mastectomy: Why opt for this form of breast cancer surgery?

While lumpectomy is often the preferred choice for many patients requiring breast cancer surgery, mastectomy may better suit certain individuals. In this insightful guide, we hear from Mr Kelvin Chong, a consultant oncoplastic breast surgeon, who addresses prevalent misconceptions on mastectomy procedures and explores situations where mastectomies become imperative.

Breast cancer surgery: What are the advantages of a lumpectomy over a mastectomy?

Many women with a breast cancer diagnosis are faced with difficult decisions about which treatment path to follow, including which surgical approach to opt for. We invited highly respected consultant oncoplastic breast surgeon Mr Kelvin Chong to share his expert insight on lumpectomy surgery, a type of breast conserving surgery also known as wide local excision, which can be offered in some cases as an alternative to mastectomy.

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