Artículos del doctor: Mr Keng Jin Ng Более 7477 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

How to tell if you’ve got cystitis

Cystitis is quite simply inconvenient, from the burning sensation when trying to urinate to sitting on the toilet in utter frustration. Sometimes, however, the discomfort of trying to empty the bladder could be a symptom of another complex nerve condition, which has been mistaken as a UTI. Expert urologist Mr Keng Jing Ng explains how to differentiate between cystitis or something else…

Breaking down kidney stones with laser

Kidney stones are quite common. One in every 20 people develop them at some point in their life. They are hard deposits made of minerals and salts that form inside the kidneys. Often they are small enough to pass on their own, however sometimes intervention is necessary if they are too large, the pain is too great to wait for the stone to pass, the stone is affecting kidney function or the stone is causing too much pain.

What does male pelvic pain syndrome (prostatitis) feel like?

Мужской синдром боли в области таза, также известный как простатит, может влиять на мужчин, которые находятся в возрасте до 20 лет, вплоть до тех, кто средний возраст. Ведущий уролог г-н Кенг Нг объясняет симптомы и то, что они могут чувствовать.

A new treatment to cure urinary stress incontinence

Новая методика, использующая специальный гель, который вводится в основание мочевого пузыря, помогает предотвратить недержание мочи и не дает благоприятного облегчения тем, кто борется с контролем мочевого пузыря.

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