Artículos del doctor: Dr Marco Spartera Более 7589 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Types of chest pain, and how to know when to seek help

Chest pain is the sensation of pain or discomfort in the chest that can be sharp and pointed, or dull and aching. It may start and remain in the chest, but it could spread to other areas of the torso and into the neck or jaw. There are many conditions and situations that may trigger chest pains, and not all of them are serious. In this article, a seasoned consultant cardiologist tells how to differentiate between the types of chest pain.

What's involved in a cardiac MRI imaging appointment?

A cardiac MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is a non-invasive test that uses powerful magnets and radio waves to create detailed images of the heart and surrounding blood vessels. It’s often used to assess the structure and function of the heart, diagnose heart conditions or monitor the progression of diseases. In this article, leading consultant cardiologist Dr Marco Spartera tells you what you can expect during a cardiac MRI appointment.

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