Artículos del doctor: Dr Martin Gray Более 7589 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Infant feeding: What parents need to know

Feeding your newborn is one of the most important responsibilities during the early months of life. Whether you choose to breastfeed, formula feed, or use a combination of both, it’s essential to understand the basics to ensure your baby’s healthy growth and development. Leading consultant paediatrician Dr Martin Gray addresses some of the most common questions that new parents in the UK may have about infant feeding.

Young infants and winter respiratory viruses: how parents can protect their susceptible newborns

Newborn infants, especially within their first year of life, can be adversely affected by various common winter respiratory viruses, such as the common cold. In our latest article, highly experienced paediatric specialists, Dr Martin Gray and Dr Margarita Burmester share their expertise with regards to how parents can best protect their young infants from potentially dangerous winter respiratory viruses.

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