Artículos del doctor: Professor Miles Levy Более 7996 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Adrenal gland disorders: what patients need to know

The adrenal glands are a pair of small glands that sit just above each kidney. Despite their size, they play a vital role in regulating many of our body’s essential functions, including metabolism, immune response, blood pressure, and stress response. They produce hormones such as cortisol, adrenaline, and aldosterone, each of which has a distinct function in keeping the body balanced. Adrenal gland disorders occur when these glands produce either too much or too little of these critical hormones, leading to various symptoms and health issues. We speak to an experienced consultant endocrinologist, who explains all you need to know.

Anxious, hot, shaky and lost weight? Look out for an overactive thyroid

Feeling anxiety, sensitivity to heat, and shakiness are some of the symptoms of an overactive thyroid. In this article, leading consultant endocrinologist, Dr Miles Levy, provides an expert insight into this condition, explaining what exactly is an overactive thyroid, what are the warning signs to watch out for, and if an overactive thyroid can be prevented.

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