Artículos del doctor: Dr Olurotimi Adesanya MBE Более 6851 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

The Bioclear Method: is it right for you?

Over the years, our teeth are exposed to wear and tear and discolouration, and while there are many treatments around that can help you improve your smile, Bioclear is one of the few that will give you long-lasting results without damaging or removing your natural teeth. Dr Olurotimi Adesanya, a leading dentist based in Kent, explains all the advantages and disadvantages of Bioclear and whether this treatment is a good fit for you.

Transparent teeth aligners: How does Smilelign® work?

Smilelign® technology uses a series of tailor-made transparent removable aligners to straighten teeth. We sat and talked to one of our leading dentists Dr Olurotimi Adesanya who carries out this revolutionary dental procedure at his clinic. He explains to us how Smilelign is used to realign teeth, what the treatment involves and how the results are maintained.

Dental implants and guided surgery

Dental implant surgery can be performed freehand or it can be guided with technology. With the aid of technology, a dentist can place the implant in a more precise and efficient manner, which ultimately provides benefits for the patient. Dr Olurotimi Adesanya, a highly experienced dentist, answers common questions about this procedure, including how guided surgery differs from traditional free-hand surgery and its success rate.

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