Artículos del doctor: Dr Rachael Louise Kay Более 6696 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Is losing hair in your twenties normal? What can be done?

Twenty-somethings may disagree when people say being in your twenties is the best time of your life. It's a stressful time for many and the extra worry that hair loss can cause is the last you need. Respected aesthetic medicine and dermatology expert Dr Rachael Kay of the Farjo Hair Institute, speaks to Top Doctors about what you can do about hair loss in your twenties.

Does diet really make a difference to hair loss?

Stress and underlying factors can significantly contribute to hair loss, but it can take time to go through to process of diagnosis and treatment regarding these causes. It's good to know how another cause of hair thinning doesn't take as much time to address: your diet. Top Doctors speaks to respected scalp and hair pathology expert Dr Rachael Louise Kay, who expertly connects the dots between what we eat and telogen effluvium in this informative article.

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