Más de 5815 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Fibroids during pregnancy, and minimally invasive surgical management outside of pregnancy

Pregnancy can pose challenges, especially for those with fibroids. This article from leading consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist Mr Tom Setchell provides informative insights into fibroids during pregnancy, and the use of minimally invasive surgery for managing fibroids outside of pregnancy, addressing key questions individuals may have.

Exercise and pregnancy: Dos, don'ts, and health benefits

Following on from his previous article on exercise during pregnancy, Dr Panicos Shangaris continues to give us more insights. He talks about specific exercises or activities that should be avoided during pregnancy or during fertility treatments, how a woman’s pre-existing exercise routine and level impacts her ability to continue exercising while pregnant and the potential benefits of maintaining a regular exercise routine.

Fetal medicine ultrasound scans: Your questions answered

One of the most important aspects during pregnancy is the early detection of potential health issues, both in the unborn baby and in the expectant mother, through the use of a range of diagnostic procedures, including ultrasound scans. Dr Spyros Bakalis, distinguished consultant in obstetrics and maternal and fetal medicine, explains more.

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